1. Whole Steps and half steps : Whole steps and half steps are the building blocks for figuring out scales.
Exercises: (coming)
2. Pentascales: Pentascales are five finger scales. Learn how to play them starting on any note, white or black.
3. Pedaling Proper pedals helps to connect notes for a smooth sound. It also adds richness to your playing. Done incorrectly, it leaves gaps of sound or muddiness which you want to avoid.
4. Major Key Signatures Watch this for an easy way to remember key signatures for scales with either sharps or flats.
5. Writing Sharps on the Staff, Learn the order of sharps and where to place them on the treble and bass clefs.
6. Writing Flats on the Staff, Learn the order of flats and where to place them on the treble and bass clefs.
7. Writing the Circle of Fifths. Learn how to draw the circle of fifths, about the rule of 7, and an easy way to remember how many sharps or flats a keys has.
8. Super Helpful List of links for Theory practice by levels